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    qe ni qiC e fort ....pa sXe

    loti the hacker
    loti the hacker

    Postimet : 522
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    Location : TeToVa
    Join date : 07/05/2009

    (N) qe ni qiC e fort ....pa sXe

    Mesazh nga loti the hacker Mon Jun 01, 2009 6:56 am

    qe linku : http://www.4shared.com/get/106572710/f4fe2385/funny_hack_20.html;jsessionid=6845A82891AB623CDE69014723B761EC.dc115

    e qel kit qicen edhe tani klikon atu edhe nuk e hek me X se nuk bon ama me - tani hin en loj
    qicen e lshon me alt + 1 alt + 2 alt + 3 .........etj

      Ora është Fri Apr 26, 2024 5:44 pm