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    Heki Reklamat Nga .TK

    loti the hacker
    loti the hacker

    Postimet : 522
    Pikët : 1499
    Thanks : 7
    Location : TeToVa
    Join date : 07/05/2009

    (N) Heki Reklamat Nga .TK

    Mesazh nga loti the hacker Sat May 16, 2009 10:21 am

    Hjeki reklamat nga .TK

    Ketu kemi tri mundesi , te triat do tua tregoi :

    1. DO te thote mu largu PoPup
    2. Me menaxhu ne PoPup-in ( me hap aty nje faqe tonen)
    3. PoPup mu largu pas nje kohe te caktuar...

    Per te triat i keni CODET :
    Keto code i vendosni ne HOME ne mes dhe

    if (window.top != window.self) { window.top.location=window.self }
    subwin = window.open("http://YourHost.com/YourAccount/PopupPage","subwindow","height=100,width=486");
    setup=& #39;toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=n o,menubar=no,width=200,height=150' setup += 'scrollbars=no,resizable=no' pop = window.open ("","subwindow",setup) pop.document.write(''); pop.document.write(''); pop.document.write(''); pop.document.write('setTimeout('); pop.document.write('"self.close()'); pop.document.write(';",5000)'); pop.document.write('pop.document.write('

    Dont forget to visit

    '); pop.document.write('


    '); pop.document.write('

    For all your BannerKillers

    '); pop.document.write('');

    Hiqi reklamat nga 50 Megs.COm

    Vendos codin ne mes te dhe

      Ora është Sun Apr 28, 2024 6:09 pm